From Valfabbrica 40 minutes.

Lay down at the foot of Mount Ingino Gubbio is one of the most ancient cities of Umbria, wonderfully preserved over the centuries and rich in monuments that bear witness to its glorious past.

Testimony of its ancient origins are Tables Eugubine, one of the most important documents italic, and the Roman Theatre, located just outside the walls.

Overtlooked from the monumental Basilica of Sant’Ubaldo which houses the remains of incorrotte Patron, Gubbio hosts architectural masterpieces that echo the power of this medieval city state.

At the fourteenth century was the superb urban complex made up of the Palazzo dei Consoli, the Place Pensile and the Palazzo Pretorio.

Remember also the palaces Beni, Bargello, the captain of the People, the Palazzo Ducale in lines Renaissance.

Of great interest are also the Cathedral Santa Maria Nuova, the Church and Monastery of Saint Augustine (both with frescoes by Ottaviano Nelli), Church and Convent of St. Francis (XIII century), San Giovanni (XII century) in the Romanesque style, Saint Peter and Saint Dominic.

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